jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


My favourite TV programme is the Spanish soap opera, " El Barco".
I like it because it's a very interesting series with a lot of mistery and also some funny moments.
It always leaves you wanting to know what will happen next.

This series es about a crew and some pupils who set off in a school-boat called "Estrella Polar", to spend two months travelling. But during their journey there is a huge explosion caused by an accident, the Earth disappears. From then on all the passengers encounter problems every day because of the difficulties of being alone in the world.

In my opinion, it's a great series and Mario Casas is the best character. He is good-looking, funny and plays his role very well.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Com estalviar aigua

             Podem estalviar aigua si...
-Si comprovem que les aixetes quedin ben tancades.
-Si arreglem les aixetes que gotegen.
-Si no tenim l'aixeta oberta mentre rentem els plats.
-Si tanquem l'aixeta mentre ens respallem les dents.
-Si fem servir l'aigua de rentar les verdures per regar les plantes

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Special Memories

                                                 My Birthday   
October 31 2010 was Halloween. It was one of the most specialday for me. I was winth my friends. It was my 13 birthday.
we went to have dinner with our costumes i took pictures and laughed.
It was on unforgetable birthday.
Isabel Shakira Mebarak Ripoll was born on February 2nd 1977 in the town of Colombia o Barranquilla, one of the largest parts in the country and located in the caribeam seaside. Shakira graduated from school and had total dedication to the music. In 2001 Shakira travelled arcund world with their first album in English.
Shakira took her first sleps in show business when she was 5 through songs and arado dancing, she anly 8 when she wrote her first sang and at the agef 10 she began writing sons participating in a TV game show for the first time, she was a teenager when sony Music Colombia signed hes first contract.
On May the 3rd , 2010, the official websitef Shakira comfirm. She was preparing for a world tour titled "Out the Sun Tour", in spain, Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao taking place.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

My profile

My name is Luisa
I am twelve years old
My birthday is on October 31
I live in Xabia
I study at a school
I am tall
I have got a dog
I haven´t got any cat
I usually with my dog
I never play volleboll with my friends
I play the computer in my free time
I don´t like the parties
I love listening to music
I hate sing
My gaborite colour is fuccia
I can swim